Visualisation of the coolant flow in Whitemark's battery design.

Novel, effective &
clean battery solutions

Battery thermal management done right

Icon of a charging battery surrounded by a circle outline that is colored three quarters around.

Charge from
20% to 80%

in 12 min

and even lower the
temperature of your battery

Double the lifetime

of your battery by
Temperature Regulation

20 - 25 ° C

A grey bar with smaller blue bar within it, which only covers some of the grey bar, thus depicting a range.

Reduce the degradation

of your battery by a factor of up to

A chart depcting two slopes of battery lifetimes, te red one declining much faster than the blue one.


Why Battery Temperature Matters


The dreaded popcorn effect leads to a chain reaction when just a single cell is damaged and overheats. This is mitigated by immersing the cells in a coolant fluid.

Expertise United

Our Experienced Partner Consortium

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We focus deeply on technology

Whitemark is not a battery manufacturer, but a consortium of specialists enabling OEMs & OESs to develop customized solutions for their specific application themselves, or, if desired, to reliably produce the required quantities with precise timing.

Our Company

Our Pilot Customers

Our simple, modular design allows for a wide variety of applications, such
as cars, trucks, ships, stationary and mobile logistic and ground vehicles.

Find out more

Get in touch!

Visualisation of the coolant flow in Whitemark's battery design.

Let's set up your project together and design the perfect cooling solution for your application.

Make an appointment now
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